Tools and strategies to innovate, solve complex issues, and transform businesses

How to unlock better innovation outcomes with the 3 types of innovation framework
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

How to unlock better innovation outcomes with the 3 types of innovation framework

In a previous post I explained that, to bring clarity to any conversation on innovation, you need to distinguish between three different types of innovation, heavily borrowed from Harvard professor Clayton Christensen: efficiency, sustaining, and transformative innovation.

In this post I highlight 3 more use cases where the 3 types of innovation framework unlocks radically better innovation outcomes in large organisations by helping to:

  1. Provide better innovation guidance

  2. Assess the balance of an innovation portfolio

  3. Check alignment of a portfolio with expectations

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How to manage an innovation funnel? (part 2)
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

How to manage an innovation funnel? (part 2)

The CDO of an ASX100 consumer goods company asked me how to manage an innovation portfolio.

In this second post I highlight key principles for managing an innovation portfolio that leaders should be aware of:

  1. Use metered funding.

  2. Make portfolio decisions based on strategic fit, opportunity and evidence.

  3. Empower intrapreneurs to go through discovery, validation and acceleration of new business ideas.

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How to manage an innovation funnel? (part 1)
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

How to manage an innovation funnel? (part 1)

The Chief Digital Officer (CDO) of an ASX100 consumer goods company asked me how to manage an innovation portfolio.

In this post I highlight the key specificities of managing an innovation portfolio that leaders should be aware of:

  1. Manage ideas with high uncertainty with a portfolio approach.

  2. Play the volume game: make lots of small investments at the beginning!

  3. Be ready to kill the vast majority of ideas, initiatives, projects on your portfolio.

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What would metrics for innovation truly enable?
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

What would metrics for innovation truly enable?

In 2018, I led the co-creation of Strategyzer innovation metrics with Alex Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, three multinational companies and one Australian SME. Our client experience and research had confirmed the huge blind spot on measuring progress of innovation projects, and the many problems it creates in corporate innovation.

In this blogpost I explain why innovation needs its own metrics, and how we came up with a working prototype of innovation metrics that could be the breakthrough to make corporate innovation manageable.

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