Tools and strategies to innovate, solve complex issues, and transform businesses

Books that most influenced my work in 2023
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2023

In this post I reflect on the most useful books - loosely connected to strategy and innovation - I read in 2023.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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Books that most influenced my work in 2022
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2022

In this post I reflect on the most useful books on strategy and innovation I read in 2022.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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How to truly help leaders with visioning work?
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

How to truly help leaders with visioning work?

The ability to go beyond an existing business model, to transcend current industry boundaries, or to connect to a higher purpose that we’ve seen in some organisations all started with a new vision. But this doesn’t happen that often.

In this blogpost I want to summarise key convictions on how to truly help business leaders free themselves from the daily grind and come up with positive visions for their companies.

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How to get more from your digital transformation?
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

How to get more from your digital transformation?

You might think that digital transformation is old news in 2022. But many organisations are still midway through large digital transformation programs. And when you ask questions, they’re often met with doubts and confusion, especially on what’s exactly in scope and what this digital transformation will bring to the business. 

In this blogpost I will show how to use the Business Model Canvas to bring clarity to such complex digital conversations, and open up opportunities to get more growth and resilience from digital transformation.

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Books that most influenced my work in 2021
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2021

In this post I reflect on the most useful books on strategy and innovation I read in 2021.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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Leadership support for innovation needs more than good intentions
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Leadership support for innovation needs more than good intentions

Despite their best intentions, attempts by senior leaders in large organisations to set up a thriving innovation capability can end up in bitter disappointment.

In this blogpost I outline the five acts of a CORPORATE INNOVATION drama I’ve seen unfold too many times, and what leaders can put in place to create a virtuous circle towards better outcomes from innovation.

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Books that most influenced my work in 2020
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2020

In this post I reflect on the most useful books on innovation and business transformation I read in 2020.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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Books that most influenced my work in 2019
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2019

In this blogpost I reflect on the most useful books on innovation and business transformation I read in 2019.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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How to keep momentum after a Hack day?
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

How to keep momentum after a Hack day?

"How to keep momentum after a Hack day?" she asked me. This post summarises my answer to the CIO of an ASX 100 manufacturing company.

To keep momentum after a hack day you need to:

1. Be clear on your purpose.

2. Assess your innovation readiness.

3. Identify the two improvement areas with highest leverage.

4. Act on them!

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Books that most influenced my work in 2018
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2018

In this blogpost I reflect on the most useful books on innovation and business transformation I read in 2018. Below are the three books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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What happens when you really trust employees?
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

What happens when you really trust employees?

In this blogpost I share the story of how Dutch company Buurtzorg came to dominate the Dutch in home care market with a radical organisational design. I explore how trusting employees could become a source of competitive advantage, and what still prevents most companies to transition to a trust-based organisational design.

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Could Agile be a Trojan horse for a bottom-up business transformation?
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Could Agile be a Trojan horse for a bottom-up business transformation?

In this blogpost I explore the potential of Agile to become a Trojan horse for a bottom-up business transformation in organisations.

Over the years, Agile has shifted its purpose from building better software, to delivering products, and more recently to creating more joyful workplaces.

But were Agile successes only possible as long as it was flying under the leadership radar? As expectations from Agile grow, will Agile-based transformation attempts ultimately clash with the dominant leadership culture?

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Just what do you mean by ‘business transformation’? 
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Just what do you mean by ‘business transformation’? 

In this post I explain how I use the three broad categories of operating model, business model and culture to distinguish between three very different realms of business transformation in early discussions with executive teams.

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