“Unlocking Innovation” at Agile Australia
Eight years after discovering the Business Model Canvas at the Agile Australia conference in 2014 - the event that shifted my whole career towards strategy & innovation consulting - I was asked to be a keynote speaker on the main stage of Agile Australia in 2022, and share my key learnings on what unlocks innovation in large organisations.
Innovation as a strategic driver in the legal industry
Justice may be blind but the legal industry shouldn’t be deaf. If you heard the weak signals of disruption in the legal industry, what would you do if you were leading one of the key players of that industry?
In 2021 we helped a legal firm answer that question and develop their breakthrough innovation capability.
Building Innovation Ecosystems
After the publication of the Invincible Company in April 2020, I shifted my focus back to advisory work and helping leaders take a wider, more systemic approach to corporate innovation. Building on the Innovation Ecosystem framework and my 20+ year experience, I help leadership teams clarify their innovation strategy, honestly assess their organisation’s current capability and design the required interventions to improve their innovation ecosystem over time.
Innovation Insights for Leaders
In 2020 I synthesised the key learnings from The Invincible Company and from collaborations with innovation thought leaders such as Greg Bernarda, Tendayi Vicki and Alex Osterwalder into a program specifically designed to help senior leaders in large organisations adjust their leadership to drive better outcomes with corporate innovation.
“Exploiting business models already in place is one thing but exploring new models and ideas requires different skills, processes and behaviours. Fred and Nick (Rakis)’s presentation outlined this exploit vs. explore theory while delving into the role that sports leaders play when designing and nurturing an innovation culture that will, ideally, enable repeatable outcomes. (…) I’d love to get Fred back again for another event where we look at successful models in our industry and further ‘sportify’ his own innovation theories”
— Tom Dixon, Participation & Innovation Manager, VicSport
The Invincible Company Book
In June 2018 I joined forces with Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur and Alan Smith to work on the fourth book in the Strategyzer series, The Invincible Company.
The book was launched in April 2020. Here are my highlights and favourite pictures from the sometimes rocky but incredible human and creative adventure to produce this book.
Testimonials (4.7 out of 5 stars on Amazon, with 700+ ratings)
“Another fantastic deliverable from the team at Strategyzer. This next book in their series is perfectly timed as organisations of all types and sizes look to pivot, reinvent and redesign their approach to the new market conditions. As ever, it's brilliantly designed to make it easy and intuitive to navigate and has already become my handbook for "what next". In this time of global crisis, this is an oasis of hope...and a reminder that it's not about what happens to us that matters but how we respond. This is the guidebook to our collective response. Seminal. Thank you.”
— Owen Ashby on Amazon
“This will be a business classic. Simple and clear frameworks for startup and established businesses alike to use business model design, a portfolio approach to new business idea validation and reinvention of existing businesses to capture new opportunities and protect your business from disruption. One of my top 4 business books of all time.”
— James Baker on Amazon
Disruption Risk Assessment Tool
In 2019 I co-created with Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur a tool to help leaders assess the risk of disruption of their business(es). This is a key element of the new toolkit we introduce in The Invincible Company.
Assessing the risk of disruption of a business model is critically important because it enables you to take the required actions and avoid future crises. And when crises cannot be avoided, like today’s Covid-19 crisis, at least you can enter them better prepared.
Strategy & Innovation Masterclass
The two-day masterclass by Strategyzer is such a fantastic training on the new language, methods and tools required for Strategy & Innovation today. It is a great fit with my personal mission to inspire people to innovate, and contribute to building the ambidextrous organisations our business world needs.
I facilitate regular masterclasses in Europe, the US and Asia.
Innovation Sprint
Greg Bernarda and I led several innovation sprints within a leading pharmaceutical company in 2018.
The overall innovation program was designed by Strategyzer with the objective to help the company develop and manage its innovation portfolio. A series of innovation sprints were run in parallel to take cohorts of “intrapreneurs” from a new business idea to a tested business model in 10 weeks.
Greg Bernarda and I were assigned 5 teams in Asia Pacific.
“Fred is one of the people I am eager to work more with. He understands how large corporations work, and also gets the new and exciting world of innovation that is unfolding everywhere. Top that with a personality characterized as much by diplomacy as by a bias for action, and you have an amazing bridge builder for organizations to rely on in their quest to reinvent themselves.”
— Greg Bernarda, Advisor, speaker, strategy & innovation designer / Co-author “Value Proposition Design” book
Innovation Metrics
Between September 2017 and March 2018, I led the co-creation of Strategyzer innovation metrics with Alex Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, and a consortium of three multinational companies and a SME with an ambitious innovation agenda.
Collaboration by Design
In 2017 I project managed the writing of a book, the first book by my friends, and former colleagues at wheretofromhere?, Philippe Coullomb and Charles Collingwood-Boots. I knew Philippe and Charles were master of their craft, the design and facilitation of large complex workshops, and I was convinced that they had a great book in them to share with the growing community of workshop designers and facilitators in the world.
Workshop with The Catalyst Network
In October 2017 I co-designed and co-facilitated a 1.5 day workshop on how to create an inclusive future. An exploration with the Catalyst Network of Universal Basic Income, the future of work and the kind of society we want to create.
“Fred brings intellectual depth, maturity and integrity to complex undertakings that would derail many others. From major business transformation and innovation programs to speculative initiatives like a universal basic income workshop we convened together in late 2017, he is an adaptable leader and seasoned collaborator who relates well to people from all walks of life. His ability to take the abstract and aspirational and help translate it into shared objectives that are relatable and actionable is highly valuable. Where so many ideas fall by the wayside, Fred is someone who makes things happen. His personal commitment to social change, and to exploring the changing nature of work through his own and others’ experiences, guarantees we'll hear much more from Fred in coming years.”
— Josie Gibson, Leadership, creativity, innovation
Strategy & Innovation Masterclass in Melbourne
In October 2017, Greg Bernarda, Nick Rakis and I co-facilitated the value proposition and business model design masterclass in Melbourne. It was the first time this groundbreaking Strategyzer innovation training was offered in Australia.
“The training exceeded my expectations. Great to see these ideas applied down under!”
"Lots of handouts and tools were great.”
"Very good content, well-structured and well presented.”
"Awesome facilitators. Very engaging and applicable content.”
– Melbourne 2017 Strategyzer masterclass participants
Strategy Sprint at IRT
In Q3 2016, Gy Wallace and I started to work together on the strategy for the In-Home Care business at IRT. Gy had just been appointed CEO of IRT’s In-Home Care business and felt the business was missing the required clarity, sense of purpose and focus that a strategy could bring. In some ways, his business was keeping its head in the sand, not ready for the next curve balls thrown out by our VUCA world. Gy was ready to try something new. Together we designed a 9-week Strategy Sprint to address challenges of the future, and be prescriptive on immediate actions.
“I engaged Fred to assist in developing a strategy for the in home care business and we gave ourselves 10 weeks to get it done. Fred and I worked closely to design an agile approach that allowed us to quickly bring a team together and have them buy into the process. Fred’s ability to give the team the confidence to trust themselves, stay in areas of uncertainty, and have faith in the development process that ultimately delivered the desired outcome was invaluable.”
— Gy Wallace, CEO of IRT at Home
InHome Care at IRT
In Australia, the Aged Care sector is ongoing massive change triggered by legislative and regulatory changes, by a shift in customer behaviours and, like so many other sectors, by technology (robotics, wearables, etc.)
At the end of 2014 I took a client engagement to design and lead the In-Home Care (IHC) business transformation of IRT, an Aged Care provider in Australia.
“Frederic has strong leadership in transformation, change management and innovation.”
— Craig Hamer, IRT Care CEO
“Fred designed and lead the first phase in a program of work taking the business through a paradigm shift, with a reorientation towards customer centricity. Frederic supported In Home Care to develop a more proactive and innovative culture, which is delivering long term change.”
— Carina Robinson, In Home Care Business Leader, IRT Group