Building Innovation Ecosystems
The 3 key elements of an Innovation Ecosystem
Innovation requires strong fundamentals to be built and nurtured over a long time before it can deliver tangible growth and transformation outcomes.
And developing an innovation capability within a large organization is a daunting prospect. In the past, many have tried but few succeeded. Often difficulties are linked to a too narrow and shallow approach. It’s become clear in the last few years that building a sustainable innovation capability requires a more systemic approach.
I use the term innovation ecosystem (even when all the work happens within the boundaries of an organisation) to help leaders take a wider, more systemic, approach to building an innovation capability within their company. In a recent blogpost, I introduced the three elements that leaders need to build a thriving innovation ecosystem in their organisation.
Your innovation ecosystem will be the unique combination of your Explore portfolio (and the framework and governance you use to manage it), your different innovation programs and your exploration culture
The programs I run in large organisations to help leaders assess and improve their innovation ecosystem are all confidential. But you can get insights into what this work entails in the webinars and articles I publish regularly.

For instance, a summary of my conversation with Nicole Stroj, Head of Organizational Innovation at RBI, on culture, one of the three key elements of an innovation ecosystem, and how culture enables innovation was recently published in Raiffeisen INSIDE, Raiffeisen Bank International magazine.
And there are many critical insights on what to do concretely when you want to build an innovation ecosystem in the StratChat webinar I co-hosted November 2021 called “Developing an Innovation Ecosystem from Scratch with Sergey Zverev from MSD”.