Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Corporate Innovation in Action conference

As my innovation tribe was set to visit Australia for a solid two weeks in March 2023, an idea took root in my mind: what if we organized an event during their stay?

And that’s how the Corporate Innovation in Action conference was conceived…

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Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

“Unlocking Innovation” at Agile Australia

Eight years after discovering the Business Model Canvas at Agile Australia in 2014, an event that shifted my whole career towards strategy & innovation consulting, I was asked to be a keynote speaker on the main stage of the AgileAustralia conference in 2022 and share my key learnings on what unlocks innovation in large organisations.

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TRANSFORMATION Frederic Etiemble TRANSFORMATION Frederic Etiemble

Building Innovation Ecosystems

After the publication of the Invincible Company in April 2020, I shifted my focus back to advisory work and helping leaders take a wider, more systemic approach to developing an innovation capability within their company. Building on the Innovation Ecosystem framework and my 20+ year experience, I help leadership teams to clarify their innovation strategy, to honestly assess their organisation’s current capability and to design the required interventions to improve their innovation ecosystem over time.

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TRAINING Frederic Etiemble TRAINING Frederic Etiemble

Innovation Insights for Leaders

In 2020 I synthesised the key learnings from The Invincible Company and from collaborations with innovation thought leaders such as Greg Bernarda, Tendayi Vicki and Alex Osterwalder into a program specifically designed to help senior leaders in large organisations adjust their leadership to drive better outcomes with corporate innovation.

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STRATEGY Frederic Etiemble STRATEGY Frederic Etiemble

Strategy Sprint at IRT

In Q3 2016, Gy Wallace and I started to work together on the strategy for the In-Home Care business at IRT. Gy had just been appointed CEO of IRT’s In-Home Care business and felt the business was missing the required clarity, sense of purpose and focus that a strategy could bring. In some ways, his business was keeping its head in the sand, not ready for the next curve balls thrown out by our VUCA world. Gy was ready to try something new. Together we designed a 9-week Strategy Sprint to address challenges of the future, and be prescriptive on immediate actions.

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TRANSFORMATION Frederic Etiemble TRANSFORMATION Frederic Etiemble

InHome Care at IRT

In Australia, the Aged Care sector is ongoing massive change triggered by legislative and regulatory changes, by a shift in customer behaviours and, like so many other sectors, by technology (robotics, wearables, etc.)

At the end of 2014 I took a client engagement to design and lead the In-Home Care (IHC) business transformation of IRT, an Aged Care provider in Australia.

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