Innovation Insights for Leaders
In 2020 I synthesised the key learnings from The Invincible Company and from collaborations with innovation thought leaders such as Greg Bernarda, Tendayi Vicki and Alex Osterwalder into a program specifically designed to help senior leaders in large organisations adjust their leadership to drive better outcomes with corporate innovation.
Strategy & Innovation Masterclass in Melbourne
My favourite pictures from the value proposition and business model design masterclass that I co-facilitated with Greg Bernarda and Nick Rakis in Melbourne in October 2017. First time this groundbreaking innovation training was offered in Australia.
Strategy & Innovation Masterclass
The two-day masterclass by Strategyzer is such a fantastic training on the new language, methods and tools required for Strategy & Innovation today. It is a great fit with my personal mission to inspire people to innovate, and contribute to building the ambidextrous organisations our business world needs.
I facilitate regular masterclasses in Europe, the US and Asia.