Strategy & Innovation Masterclass in Melbourne

In August 2016, I joined a small group of business model innovation practitioners for a week-long bootcamp designed and led by Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The bootcamp was a critical step on my way to Strategyzer innovation coach accreditation. This programme was really impressive, both by the strength of its content - Alex and Yves are not “Thinkers50” and global thought leaders on strategy and innovation by accident - and the calibre of participants.

That day in August 2016, I knew I wanted to bring business model thinking back to Australia where innovation was becoming a strategic imperative for a nation facing the end of the happy days of the mining era.

On Wednesday 18 October 2017, that idea had become a reality as Greg Bernarda, co-author of Value Proposition Design, Nick Rakis and I were wrapping up the first ever value proposition and business model design masterclass in Melbourne, Australia.

My intuition on the relevance of business model innovation for Australia has been proven right as the training was sold out in record time. But the true measure of success for me was the engagement and the quality of exchanges between participants, volunteers and us. And now that the masterclass is behind us, I see our role, Nick and I, shift to helping the emerging Australian community of business model practitioners.

All the best to you all in your search for great value propositions and sustainable business models!

Frederic Etiemble

Executive Advisor on Strategy & Innovation. Co-author of The Invincible Company.


Innovation Insights for Leaders


Workshop with The Catalyst Network