Corporate Innovation in Action conference


Greg Bernarda, Christian Doll, Paris Thomas, Michael N. Wilkens, and Tendayi Viki make up my global innovation tribe. We typically convene once or twice a year in a private setting to share our learnings, successes, and challenges. Never before had we combined our gathering with an event open to the public.

However, since they were all coming to Australia for a solid two weeks, the idea struck me: what if we organised an event during their stay?


And so, the Corporate Innovation in Action conference emerged from this desire to share with the Australian innovation community what we had collectively learned in the trenches of corporate innovation in various parts of the globe.


With the generous support of our partners from The Catalyst Network, Naked Ambition, and Strategyzer, we managed to bring it to life.

My colleague, Pete Cohen, penned a beautiful blog post with his reflections from the Corporate Innovation in Action event. It includes links to the various keynotes, each contributing a piece to the corporate innovation puzzle.

Below is a short extract from my introduction of this event highlighting why my Vibrance colleagues and I think innovation is more important than ever.


Why is innovation more important than ever?

Frederic Etiemble

Executive Advisor on Strategy & Innovation. Co-author of The Invincible Company.


“Unlocking Innovation” at Agile Australia