Tools and strategies to innovate, solve complex issues, and transform businesses

Strategic questioning to unlock growth
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Strategic questioning to unlock growth

I facilitate a lot of strategy sessions and one thing that I observed is that in 99.9% of cases, strategic objectives are about growth. So, you would think that everyone is clear by now on all the different ways an organisation can unlock growth. Well, it’s not been my experience.

In this blogpost I want to highlight the key strategic questions and steps that will guide you towards creating a growth plan that makes growth objectives explicit, and more importantly clarifies where growth will come.

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Books that most influenced my work in 2023
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2023

In this post I reflect on the most useful books - loosely connected to strategy and innovation - I read in 2023.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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Why is innovation more important than ever?
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Why is innovation more important than ever?

In my introduction to the Corporate Innovation in Action conference, l shared my experience on why large organisations innovate and my convictions on why innovation is more important than ever today.

You can watch the recording here.

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Books that most influenced my work in 2022
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2022

In this post I reflect on the most useful books on strategy and innovation I read in 2022.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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What changes when you start scaling?
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

What changes when you start scaling?

A lack of awareness and readiness can seriously hinder the ability of corporate innovators and scale-up leaders to successfully scale their new venture in an incumbent business.

In this blogpost I highlight how leaders of scale-ups should get ready for and adapt to two major changes in the scaling phase:

  1. Shifting their Business Model focus,

  2. Rethinking the Operating Model.

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Four strategic shifts to achieve both growth and sustainability targets
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Four strategic shifts to achieve both growth and sustainability targets

For a long time, growth and sustainability seemed like obvious opposites, with efforts in one negatively impacting the other. But this is now changing rapidly.

In this blogpost I examine 4 strategic questions every leader should explore to achieve both growth and sustainability targets in the years ahead.

How can organisations…

  1. differentiate products and services through sustainability?

  2. decarbonise a Business Model?

  3. explore new green business ideas?

  4. re-balance their business portfolio towards a more sustainable portfolio?

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Books that most influenced my work in 2021
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2021

In this post I reflect on the most useful books on strategy and innovation I read in 2021.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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Books that most influenced my work in 2020
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2020

In this post I reflect on the most useful books on innovation and business transformation I read in 2020.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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Books that most influenced my work in 2019
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

Books that most influenced my work in 2019

In this blogpost I reflect on the most useful books on innovation and business transformation I read in 2019.

Below are the four books I referred the most to fellow practitioners, clients and friends.

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What would metrics for innovation truly enable?
Frederic Etiemble Frederic Etiemble

What would metrics for innovation truly enable?

In 2018, I led the co-creation of Strategyzer innovation metrics with Alex Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, three multinational companies and one Australian SME. Our client experience and research had confirmed the huge blind spot on measuring progress of innovation projects, and the many problems it creates in corporate innovation.

In this blogpost I explain why innovation needs its own metrics, and how we came up with a working prototype of innovation metrics that could be the breakthrough to make corporate innovation manageable.

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